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As an MRes student, I researched water-rock reactions in extreme environments such as subglacial lakes and subseafloor environments at Newcastle University. I uncovered key energy sources for microbial communities in subglacial environments and potentially icy moons, with a focus on mechanochemically-generated hydrogen. I also discovered a potential abiotic source of oxygen in the hot biosphere before the evolution of photosynthesis; an energy source that could support the early evolution or even the origin of life. 


Stone J, Edgar JO, Gould JA, Telling J. Tectonically-driven oxidant production in the hot biosphere. Nature Communications. 2022 Aug 8;13(1):1-0.










Organic Geochemistry

I am also an incoming student to Imperial College London, where I will be investigating the formation of hydrocarbons such as methane. I will be applying this knowledge to understanding signs of early life on Earth and biosignatures for life on other planets. 

Stick Slip (2 JS).png
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Some diagrams from my masters research:



I believe strongly in the power of volunteeringI am a member of a policy working group of the Space Generation Advisory Council writing a policy report to advise the UN on the views of young people in the space sector on how space technologies, attitudes and perspectives can help solve climate issues. Additionally, I work with the Mars Society to create graphics, edit videos, manage conference talks, and I have designed an experiment for their Mars analogue base in Utah.

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